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10 Signs You Might Be Too Needy In a Relationship (Take The Quiz!)

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10 Signs You Might Be Too Needy In A Relationship (Take the Quiz!)

In the realm of relationships, the term “needy” often gets tossed around, sometimes unfairly. It’s important to remember that needing emotional support, love, and attention is perfectly normal. However, when these needs become excessive, they can strain a relationship. If you’re wondering whether you might be leaning towards the “neediness” side in your relationship, here are 10 signs to look for. Alternatively, you can take our quiz at the end of this blog to get a clearer picture.

1. Constant Need for Reassurance

Do you often ask your partner if they love you or if they find you attractive? This behavior goes beyond the occasional need for affirmation. It’s about a deeper, more persistent desire for repeated evidence that your partner cares about you. This might manifest in regularly questioning their feelings, seeking compliments, or needing them to constantly address your insecurities. While it’s normal to enjoy reassurance, relying on your partner to continually validate your worth or the relationship’s status can be emotionally draining for both of you and might indicate an underlying issue with self-esteem.

2. Difficulty Enjoying Time Alone

Independence is key in any healthy relationship. If the thought of spending an evening or a weekend alone makes you feel uneasy or if you find yourself at a loss about what to do when your partner is not around, it might suggest an over-reliance on them for your sense of well-being. This can also extend to avoiding activities or hobbies you used to enjoy independently, or feeling a sense of emptiness when not accompanied by your partner. It’s important to cultivate your own interests and enjoy your own company, as this not only contributes to personal growth but also brings new energy into the relationship.

3. Overwhelming Fear of Abandonment

While it’s normal to fear loss, an overwhelming fear of abandonment can manifest in clingy or controlling behavior in a relationship. This might include panicking when your partner is out of contact, interpreting their need for space as a sign they’re leaving you, or constantly worrying about their fidelity without cause. This fear can stem from past experiences or deep-seated insecurities and can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy where the fear of losing your partner actually pushes them away. Recognizing and addressing these fears, possibly with the help of a therapist, can be crucial in developing a healthier, more secure attachment style.

4. Jealousy and Possessiveness

A small amount of jealousy can be a natural reaction in a relationship. However, when it crosses into possessiveness, it becomes a concern. This can manifest as feeling threatened by your partner’s interactions with others, resenting their friendships or time spent away from you, or even demanding they cut off contact with certain people. Possessiveness often stems from insecurity and a fear of being replaced or not being good enough. It can lead to controlling behavior, which not only damages the trust in a relationship but also stifles both partners’ personal growth. Healthy relationships are built on trust and respect for each other’s independence.

5. Excessive Communication

In today’s connected world, staying in touch with your partner is easier than ever. However, feeling the need to constantly communicate can be a sign of neediness. This includes expecting immediate responses to texts or calls, getting upset if your partner doesn’t check in frequently, or wanting to be in constant contact even when they are busy with work, family, or personal time. While communication is key in a relationship, it’s also important to respect each other’s space and understand that being unavailable at times is normal and healthy. Excessive communication can be overwhelming and may create unnecessary pressure in the relationship.

6. Your Happiness Depends Solely on Your Relationship

It’s wonderful to find joy and fulfillment in your relationship, but it becomes problematic when your entire emotional well-being hinges on it. If you find that your mood is entirely dependent on how your relationship is faring or on your partner’s mood and actions, it may indicate an unhealthy level of emotional dependency. This can lead to a situation where your self-worth and happiness are constantly fluctuating based on factors outside your control. It’s crucial for your emotional health to find sources of happiness and fulfillment outside of your relationship, such as hobbies, friendships, and personal achievements. Cultivating a strong sense of self and individual happiness is key to a healthy, balanced relationship.

7. You Compromise Your Values and Beliefs

Compromising on small things is a part of any healthy relationship. However, consistently altering or downplaying your core values, beliefs, or interests to please your partner or to avoid conflict is a sign of neediness. This might look like pretending to agree with their opinions, changing your appearance to suit their preferences, or giving up on hobbies or passions because they don’t approve. Over time, this can lead to losing your sense of identity and self-worth. It’s important to remember that a healthy relationship should enhance your individuality, not diminish it. Mutual respect for each other’s values and beliefs is crucial for a balanced and fulfilling relationship.

8. Overanalyzing Your Partner’s Actions

It’s natural to think about your partner and their behaviors, but constant overanalysis can indicate insecurity and neediness. This might involve reading too much into what they say or do, interpreting casual remarks as hidden messages, or constantly seeking hidden meanings in their actions. This behavior can create a cycle of anxiety and misunderstanding. It’s important to communicate openly rather than trying to decode your partner’s every move. Remember, not every action or word has a profound implication for your relationship, and it’s healthy to take things at face value sometimes.

9. Neglecting Other Relationships

While it’s normal for a new relationship to take up a lot of your time and attention, completely neglecting other important relationships in your life is a warning sign. If you find yourself consistently canceling plans with friends or family, ignoring calls or messages from others, or losing touch with your social circle to spend every moment with your partner, it could be a sign of neediness in the relationship. This behavior not only puts a lot of pressure on your romantic relationship but also weakens your support network. Maintaining a balance between your romantic relationship and other relationships is key to your overall emotional health and well-being. Remember, a healthy relationship allows space for both partners to maintain their individual relationships and identities.

10. You Struggle to Make Decisions Without Your Partner

The ability to make decisions independently is a key aspect of personal autonomy and confidence. When you find yourself unable to make even minor decisions without your partner’s input or approval, it may signal an unhealthy level of dependency in the relationship. This dependency can manifest in various ways:

Reliance on Partner for Daily Choices

You might hesitate to make simple choices like what to wear, what to eat, or how to spend your free time unless your partner weighs in. This constant need for guidance can stem from a fear of making mistakes or a deep-seated belief that your partner knows better.

Lack of Confidence in Personal Judgment

You may doubt your ability to make good decisions, feeling that your partner is more capable or knowledgeable. This can lead to a pattern where you defer all decisions, big or small, to them, undermining your self-confidence and independence.

Fear of Disapproval

The worry that making a decision independently might upset or disappoint your partner can be a driving factor. This often comes from a place of wanting to maintain harmony in the relationship, but it can escalate into a fear of making any decision without your partner’s consent.

Impact on Self-Identity

Over time, this reliance can erode your sense of self. You might find it increasingly difficult to identify what you truly want or believe in, as your preferences and decisions become more aligned with your partner’s.

Consequences for the Relationship

While it might seem like constantly involving your partner in decisions is a way of strengthening the bond, it can actually create an imbalanced dynamic. Your partner may feel burdened by the constant need to make choices for you, and you might become resentful or feel powerless in the relationship.

Moving Forward

To address this, it’s important to start practicing making small decisions on your own. This can help rebuild your confidence in your judgment and assert your independence. Remember, in a healthy relationship, both partners should feel empowered to make decisions, both jointly and individually. If you’re struggling with this, it might be helpful to seek support from a therapist or counselor who can guide you in developing a stronger sense of self and autonomy.

Take the Quiz

If you’re still unsure about where you stand, why not take our quiz? It’s designed to give you a clearer understanding of your relationship dynamics.

Quiz: Are You a Needy Woman in Your Relationship?

This quiz is designed to help you reflect on your relationship dynamics. Answer each question honestly to get the most accurate result. Remember, this quiz is for self-reflection and is not a substitute for professional advice.

Question 1

When your partner doesn’t reply to your text immediately, how do you feel?

A. A bit anxious, but I understand they might be busy.

B. I’m fine; they’ll reply when they can.

C. Extremely anxious and keep checking my phone.

Question 2

How often do you feel the need to check in with your partner daily?

A. Once or twice, just to see how their day is going.

B. Rarely, unless we have specific plans.

C. Multiple times, I like to know what they are doing throughout the day.

how to get him back

Question 3

Do you feel uncomfortable when your partner spends time with friends without you?

A. Sometimes, but I know it’s healthy for us to have separate social lives.

B. No, I’m happy they’re having a good time.

C. Yes, I often feel left out and worried.

Question 4

How do you react if your partner plans something without consulting you?

A. I might feel a bit surprised but usually, it’s fine.

B. It’s their life; they’re free to make their own plans.

C. I feel hurt and ignored.

Question 5

Do you have hobbies or interests that you pursue without your partner?

A. Yes, a few.

B. Yes, I have my own hobbies and interests.

C. Not really, I prefer doing things together.

how to get your ex back 


Question 6

How do you feel about spending a weekend alone?

A. A bit uneasy, but it can be refreshing.

B. Great! I enjoy my own company.

C. Lonely and anxious.

Question 7

Do you often compromise your own needs to keep your partner happy?

A. Sometimes, but I try to maintain a balance.

B. Rarely, I believe in mutual respect and understanding.

C. Yes, often.

Question 8

How do you feel when your partner talks about their achievements or successes?

A. Proud and happy for them.

B. It’s great to see them succeed.

C. Sometimes overshadowed or left behind.

Question 9

Do you need constant reassurance about your partner’s feelings for you?

A. Occasionally, when I’m feeling insecure.

B. Not really, I’m confident in their feelings.

C. Yes, quite often.

Question 10

How would you describe your social life outside of your relationship? A. It’s balanced; I have my own friends.

B. Active and fulfilling.

C. Limited; I mostly spend time with my partner.


  • Mostly A’s: Mildly Needy – You have some needy tendencies, but you’re also aware of the importance of individual space in a relationship.
  • Mostly B’s: Independent – You maintain a healthy balance of independence and togetherness in your relationship.
  • Mostly C’s: Highly Needy – You may be exhibiting signs of neediness in your relationship. It might be helpful to explore these feelings further, possibly with a professional.

Remember, this quiz is a general guide and not a definitive assessment of your relationship dynamics. If you’re concerned about your behavior or relationship, consider seeking advice from a relationship counselor or therapist.


10 Signs You Might Be Too Needy In a Relationship (Take The Quiz!) Read More »

Unlock His Love: Discover His Secret Obsession

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Unlock His Love: Discover His Secret Obsession

The Desire He Can’t Resist…

It goes beyond love, money, and even physical intimacy. There exists a secret obsession in men, a key to unlocking their undying love, attention, and devotion, yet it’s a mystery to most women.

With 12 years as a relationship coach, I’ve seen this hidden truth in action: understanding this secret obsession is the gateway to a man’s heart.

The Secret to His Undivided Attention

Once you grasp this concept, you can ignite a burning desire in your chosen man, making you the center of his world.

Imagine being the one he thinks about all day, every day.

The Hero Instinct: Every Man’s Silent Drive

More than anything, men are driven by a secret obsession, often unknown even to them. It’s this drive that holds the key to creating lasting love, even in situations that seem hopeless.

No Situation is Too Far Gone

Regardless of your current relationship challenges – whether it’s a fear of him losing interest or doubts about his commitment – this secret can turn it all around.

The Trigger That Changes Everything

By activating this secret trigger in a man’s heart, a trigger so hidden that most people are unaware of its existence, you ignite a desire that transcends physical attraction. It makes him see you in an entirely new, irresistible light.

Click here to learn more>>

Becoming His Sole Focus

Unknowingly, he starts to envision a life with you, overshadowing all other women from his past and present.

The Hero Instinct: A Biological Drive

This drive, which I call “The Hero Instinct,” is as fundamental as hunger or thirst. Once awakened, it becomes an overwhelming force, impossible for him to ignore.

The Secret Signal: Subtle Yet Powerful

In moments, discover how to use a “Secret Signal” to activate a man’s Hero Instinct without him realizing.

Be Prepared for a Dramatic Shift

When you use this signal, get ready for a profound change. He’ll find you more captivating than anyone else he’s known.

Click here to learn how>>

Witnessing the Hero Instinct in Action

Meet Rachel, a client who, despite her friendly nature, faced constant heartbreak. Her story with Mike is a testament to the power of understanding and triggering the Hero Instinct.

Rachel’s Journey: From Heartbreak to Love

Their relationship started like a fairy tale but soon turned into every woman’s nightmare. As Mike became distant, Rachel felt lost and confused.

Despite her attempts to reconnect, Mike’s responses were cold and delayed, leaving Rachel in despair.

The Turning Point: Understanding the Hero Instinct

It wasn’t until Rachel discovered the power of the Hero Instinct that everything changed. Watch how this understanding transformed her situation and can revolutionize yours too.

Unlock the Secret to Everlasting Love

Join us in exploring this primal drive and learn how to become the focal point of your man’s life. Discover how you can turn any relationship around and secure the love you truly deserve.

Discover His Deepest Desire…

Prepare to unlock a secret that’s more powerful than love, money, or even sex.

This hidden craving holds the key to capturing a man’s love, attention, and lifelong devotion.

Yet, it’s a secret so profound, few women are even aware of its existence.

Click Here to Unveil the Secret >>

As a relationship coach for over a decade, working with thousands of women…

I’ve seen firsthand how this secret obsession is the ultimate key to a man’s heart.

Imagine making the man you desire feel an intense, burning passion for you…

Becoming the person he can’t stop thinking about, day and night.

Click Here to Learn How >>

Every man harbors this secret obsession, yet it remains largely unknown.

Hear real stories of women who used this secret to turn “hopeless” situations into deep, lasting love.

No matter your current situation…

Even if you feel he’s slipping away after getting too close, too soon…

Or if you fear he’ll never fully commit to you…

Even if he’s been ignoring your calls and texts…

It doesn’t matter.

Discover the Secret to Winning His Heart >>

With one simple trigger, you can awaken a surge of desire in him…

A desire so intense, it goes beyond mere physical attraction.

And suddenly, you become the only woman he can envision in his life.

Tap into the Hero Instinct – a man’s most primal, inner desire.

You’ll transform into his ultimate obsession.

But what is this Secret Obsession?

Simply put, it’s a recently uncovered primal drive that all men are powerfully influenced by…

A drive that overtakes even his sex drive.

It’s a force that subconsciously dictates everything he does.

From the moment he wakes, until he falls asleep.

I call it ‘The Hero Instinct.’

Click Here to Activate the Hero Instinct >>

Understanding this instinct is the biggest secret to becoming his deepest passion and priority.

Without it, he’ll always feel something crucial is missing…

And he’ll seek a woman who knows this secret.

But when you trigger his Hero Instinct…

His heart becomes exclusively yours.

He’ll move mountains to make you happy.

How is this possible?

Because the Hero Instinct is a BIOLOGICAL DRIVE…

More powerful than hunger, thirst, and sex combined.

Ready to Flip His Hero Instinct?

In moments, learn how to use a ‘Secret Signal’ to activate his Hero Instinct…

Without him even noticing.

But be warned…

Once you use this signal, be prepared for a dramatic shift.

He’ll find you irresistibly alluring, more than any other woman.

Click Here to Discover the Secret Signal >>

Now, let me introduce you to Rachel…

One of my favorite clients, and soon to be your guide on this journey.

Rachel’s story is a testament to the power of the Hero Instinct.

From tearful nights to a transformative discovery…

Watch as her story unfolds and learn how it can change yours too.

Click Here to Hear Rachel’s Story >>

Unlock the secret to a love that’s truly genuine…

Where you’re cherished, seen, and valued.

The key to everlasting devotion is just a click away…

Don’t wait. Discover the love you deserve now.

Click Here to Start Your Journey to Love >>”


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10 Signs You Might Be Too Needy In a Relationship (Take The Quiz!)
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Unlock His Love: Discover His Secret Obsession
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ATTRACT, Don't Chase. Here's How....

Unlock His Love: Discover His Secret Obsession Read More »

ATTRACT, Don’t Chase. Here’s How….

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ATTRACT, Don’t Chase. Here’s How..

In my extensive experience coaching countless women globally, I’ve uncovered a critical relationship insight: chasing a man, especially when he’s distancing himself, is rarely ever beneficial. This might seem counterintuitive, especially when fear of loss kicks in, but there’s a solid reason behind this advice.

Let’s delve into it…

Persistently pursuing him can often blind you to significant red flags that are crucial to recognize in any healthy relationship.

I’ve identified four major red flags that often go unnoticed when you’re in the pursuit mode.

These red flags are critical, and understanding them can change the way you handle such situations.

Stay with me, as we’re about to explore these crucial warning signs in detail…

1. Why Chasing Him Makes Him Less Interested

Imagine this: a girl keeps chasing a guy, but he just relaxes and enjoys it.

He might not really like her much, but he’s okay with getting attention without trying.

You can usually tell if a guy is losing interest by his small actions, or the things he doesn’t do.

So, don’t be the one always running after him. It’s better if he’s also trying to be with you.

If you stop chasing and he starts acting strange or backs away, you’ll see it more clearly.

And if he seems to be getting distant, there’s a simple 4-word text you can use to catch his interest again.

[Click here to find out what it is] >>

2. He Might Not Be Into You

t’s like the first point. If you’re always the one chasing him, you might not realize if he wasn’t really interested all along.

This can be tough. You end up really liking him, but maybe he didn’t feel the same from the start.

I knew someone who spent 12 years with a guy who wasn’t all in. She thought they’d get married, but he wasn’t serious from day one.

She didn’t see it because she was putting in all the effort, while he just went along with it.

You don’t want to be in that spot.

If you step back and let him come to you, you’ll see clearly through his actions if he’s truly interested.

Remember this: the effort a guy puts into being with you says a lot more than the effort you put into him. That shows how much he really cares and what you mean to him.

And that’s really important.

3. He May Not Be Your Ideal Match

Chasing a guy can sometimes cloud your judgment. You might be so intent on making the relationship work that you miss the signs he’s not the one for you.

Being caught up in the chase, you might overlook crucial differences. Maybe your goals don’t align – perhaps he’s not looking for something serious, or your future plans like having kids don’t match, or maybe your core values are different.

These are significant deal breakers, but they can be easily missed if you’re too focused on pursuing someone who isn’t quite the right match.

It’s not worth spending weeks, months, or years in a relationship that doesn’t allow both of you to grow. It often leads to heartache and the feeling of lost time.

4. Relationship Progress: It Takes Two

When you find yourself single-handedly striving to improve the relationship, it often leads to a lopsided dynamic. Many guys might just take a backseat and let you handle it all.

This imbalance is problematic. It places the entire burden of the relationship’s health on your shoulders, which isn’t fair or sustainable.

In a scenario where you’re doing all the work, there’s a risk that he becomes complacent, potentially not valuing or treating you as you truly deserve.

Understand this: Men often deeply appreciate and value the relationships they have to invest effort in.

If you’re the only one making all the efforts, he may not feel as compelled to invest in the relationship.

You deserve someone who sees your worth and actively contributes to your happiness.

Encourage a relationship where both partners contribute equally. You’re entitled to a loving, balanced partnership where your efforts are matched and appreciated.

Settle for nothing less than a relationship that’s equally amazing for both of you.

[Learn more about his secret obsession] >>

5. Do This When He Starts Drifting Away…

Here’s a little-known truth: often when a man really likes a woman, there comes a point where he might start to pull his attention back a bit.

You’ll notice it – his messages become less frequent, his interest seems to cool off.

There’s this unsettling feeling in your gut, sensing that he’s beginning to drift away.

Your response in these moments is crucial. It could be the deciding factor between him seeing you as just another fleeting connection…

Leading him to withdraw even more, possibly fading out of your life…

Or it can spark a realization in him that you’re not just anyone – you’re special, different, and exactly the kind of woman he wants a real, meaningful relationship with.

Prompting him to pursue you, show his commitment, and demonstrate that he’s indeed the man for you.

There’s a specific four-word text message that can grab his attention…

A message that makes him rethink his distancing and recognize his mistake in pulling away.

Many women have used this to great effect – leading to heartfelt apologies, rekindled dates, and renewed efforts from men who realized they were letting something special slip away.

Curious about this four-word wonder?

Pause right here, click the link below, and watch the video I’ve created for you.

Discover the text that can change the course of your connection:

[Click Here to Find Out More] <<

I’m Here to Guide You…

Feeling exhausted from men who keep pulling away, losing interest, or not appreciating your worth?

Frustrated with investing so much in a man, only to feel like you’re not getting the same in return?

I’m here to reveal a transformative approach that can change the dynamics of your relationships.

Imagine a scenario where he is the one pursuing you, eagerly wanting to be a part of your life…

Where he is the one making the effort to win your commitment, not the other way around.

Ready to discover how? Click the link below right now…

[Click Here to Find Out More] <<

Once You Click the Link…

Get ready to unveil the power of a simple four-word text message that can capture a man’s attention.

Uncover the secrets of what to do when he starts to pull away…

Learn the techniques to draw him back to you, creating a bond so strong he’ll never want to leave.

Also, I’ll reveal a five-word phrase you should absolutely avoid saying to a man…

This phrase can turn things chilly and might shut down communication entirely.

If you’re prepared to change the game in your favor…

To find a love that’s genuine, where you’re adored, seen, and valued…

Don’t wait any longer. Click the link below right now…

[Click Here to Find Out More] <<

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10 Signs You Might Be Too Needy In a Relationship (Take The Quiz!)
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Unlock His Love: Discover His Secret Obsession
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ATTRACT, Don't Chase. Here's How....

ATTRACT, Don’t Chase. Here’s How…. Read More »

9 Lbs Gone Away in One Week (Copy This Recipe)

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9 Lbs Gone Away in One Week (Copy this Recipe)


Stop dieting.

Seriously. Don’t bother dieting again. Ever. 

Because you don’t need to.

After a lifetime of dieting failures, and with her weight spiraling and her heart failing, my friend Meghan was at death’s door.

She’d had enough.

So she decided to stop all the useless fad diets, calorie counting, and plates of rabbit food…

And instead invented this bizarre ‘home recipe’ – and ate it every morning…

She then carried on eating all her favorite foods.

This is what happened:

==> Click the video to find out how she did it (this is insane!)

With no dieting at all, Meghan started melting fat like ice cream on a BBQ.

She shed 9 pounds of jiggly fat inside a week.

Over 40 lbs in the first 3 months.

75 lbs in just 6 months.

And a whopping 240 lbs in total!

And best of all, she’s kept it off ever since.

Her story has been featured all over the world, in print media and online…

And she even appeared on the talk show Red Table Talk with Jada Pinkett Smith. 

==> Click here to see what happens when Meghan enters the studio (this will make you smile)!

The best part is, following her at-home recipe is super easy (you can pick up everything you need from your local grocery store if you want to).

Ivy League doctors are stunned at how this unusual recipe turns on the human body’s “hidden fat loss switch.”

To hear Meghan’s incredible story, and get the recipe yourself, go here.

To your health,

P.S. Heads up, I’ve been told this page is about to be taken down. 


Because Meghan reveals something the billion-dollar weight loss industry does NOT want you to know. 

Check it out here, before it’s too late.


woman, sitting, upset-7650616.jpg
10 Signs You Might Be Too Needy In a Relationship (Take The Quiz!)
couple, youth, in love-814825.jpg
Unlock His Love: Discover His Secret Obsession
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ATTRACT, Don't Chase. Here's How....

9 Lbs Gone Away in One Week (Copy This Recipe) Read More »

Get Him Back: 3 Big Mistakes to Avoid


Get Him Back: 3 Big Mistakes to Avoid

Yeah, the feeling of getting dumped sucks. There’s no question about that. Sometimes, you can go crazy thinking about all the things that went wrong in your relationship.

But the bottom of the line is, the reason why your relationship ended is because your boyfriend has lost attraction for you. No, it wasn’t because you left your dirty laundry around the house or that it’s “him, not you…”, it’s because the foundation of his attraction for you faded – and it’s your fault. There are ways you can “re-attract” your boyfriend (and I’ll get to that in a second), but you have to first understand why he dumped you. Only then will you know how you can get him back.

This is what I like to call The Six Deadly Relationship Sins. Now, I’m not saying that you committed all of these mistakes, but chances are you probably exhibited at least one of these characteristics that pretty much forced your boyfriend to leave you (even if he’s claimed that he left you for another reason).

[Learn more] >>

bad breakup, get back with your ex, get him back, relationship advice

The first Deadly Sin is a common problem that over half of women have in their relationships – and that’s being way too controlling. Men are repelled by women that put unrealistic restraints on their lives. Though asserting your dominance in a relationship is important, you have to know exactly when “enough is enough”. If you don’t, then don’t be surprised that your boyfriend or husband left you.

The second Deadly Sin is a bit of a weird one, but always seeking external validity from your boyfriend is a huge attraction-breaker. What does that mean? It means that you constantly seek out your boyfriend’s approval. Asking questions like, “Do you love me? Do I look fat in this dress? Did you have a good time?” repel women. It’s like saying to him that you aren’t confident enough or good enough… and this reeks of insecurity.

The third Deadly Sin is being jealous all the time. Were you jealous that he was flirting with other girls? Maybe he was hanging out with a female friend that you felt a little suspicious about… Well, if you did exhibit this emotion, then again, don’t be surprised that your boyfriend lost some attraction for you. Jealousy is the ultimate form of insecurity.

So now that you know only some of the relationship killers, how do you go about “re-attracting” your boyfriend?

Well, it starts with employing some of my most powerful psychological techniques. Yes, even if things seem completely hopeless right now, you can get him back if you know what you’re doing.

Let me first introduce myself. My name is Brad Browning and I’m known as the “Relationship Geek.” I’ve been helping thousands of women across the globe win back their ex-boyfriends. My success rate is over 90%.

Even if you think your relationship with your ex boyfriend is completely torn, I can bet you there is a way to make him fall hopelessly in love with you again (or at least give you a second chance!).

You see, what a lot of women do when they get dumped is they start begging and pleading. They ask for forgiveness and start begging for second chances. The say “sorry” and “just give me another chance” time after time. If you’re guilty of one of these mistakes, then you better start listening to my advice… because chances are you’re doing something right now that is pushing your ex further and further away (and into the arms of another girl).

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So do yourself a favor and check out my free video. In it, I’ll tell you exactly how you can get your ex boyfriend back as soon as possible… and I’ll go over some other Deadly Sins as well.

But you better check out this video quickly because it’s literally so popular that I’m going broke just paying all the web hosting bills!

Click here to check out this video presentation. <== 

Again, be quick about it before it’s taken down forever.

Get Him Back: 3 Big Mistakes to Avoid Read More »

The #1 Biggest Mistake Women Make When a Man Pulls Away

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The #1 Biggest Mistake a Woman Makes when a Man Pulls Away

If you’ve ever had a man pull away from you, disappear, or play “hot and cold” with you, then you know how frustrating this can be.

This is one of the biggest complaints women come to me with.

You want to feel loved and cherished by a man

You want to feel like you’re so important to him that he never wants to let you go.

You want to be the woman that he wants to be with forever

But then one day he starts pulling back, goes cold, or disappears altogether.

Leaving you feeling heartbroken, confused, and questioning whether you’ll ever find the love you really want.

When a man pulls away, if you want him to come running back to you and never leave again, you need to avoid the biggest mistake women make that push men even further away…

It’s something I call, a “Connection Barrier.

It’s like slamming a door in his face.

Most women do this because you want to feel seen, heard, and appreciated but this only tells him that he’s not welcome around you.

Instead, you want him to feel like it was a mistake to pull away and like he can’t wait to have you in his arms again.

I’ll tell you how to do that in just a minute…

But first…

The biggest connection barrier I see women use is this…

how to get him back

1. Trying to “Teach Him a Lesson.”

This looks like yelling at him, cussing him out, or freaking out on him…

Women do this because they are feeling hurt and they aren’t sure how to tell him that so they attack him in this way.

Unfortunately, he won’t get the message.

He’ll only feel like he doesn’t ever want to talk to you again.

When you do this, you’re training him to avoid coming back to you because he’ll experience pain when he does.

Because of this, it’ll take him longer and longer to come back, if he does at all.

Instead, you want him to feel like coming back to you is the best thing he can possibly do.

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2.  Giving Him the “Silent Treatment.”

This looks like going cold on him, going silent, or ignoring him…

Women do this because they want to give him “a taste of his own medicine.”

So they take revenge on him.

This is fine if you don’t ever want to talk to him again but any emotionally healthy man will take it as a sign that you’re not interested anymore, at best.

If you’re trying to send him a message that you’re feeling taken for granted, he probably won’t receive it this way.

If you want him to know that you feel disrespected like this, you need to set a boundary instead.

And if you do it the right way, it’ll make him appreciate and respect you more.

3. Communicating Neediness.

This usually looks like getting jealous, constantly seeking reassurance that he still likes you or loves you, baiting him for compliments, asking him if he’s going to leave you, etc.

You may get a small dose of relief if he gives you what you want but he’ll start to value and appreciate you less because of it.


[How Can I Get Him to Appreicate me more?] >>

Because it tells him that you don’t value yourself enough to believe that you deserve to have a great man and a great relationship.

And most men will start to lose interest and slip away after you do this, especially if you continue to do it over time.

There’s a 5 word phrase that women use that will destroy a man’s love for you and drive him out of your life forever.

We’ll talk about that in just a minute…

Most women do this because they’re afraid of losing a guy.

They don’t realize that this is what will push him away even further.

Instead, you need to believe in your own value so much that you confidently know that you deserve a great man AND a great relationship.

Here’s how you do that…

how to get your ex back 

The Secret to Making Him Want to Come Back And Never Leave Again

If you want a man to come back to you and never leave again, you need to use something that I call…

The Forever Woman Formula.

This formula will… 

Raise your valuein men’s eyes…

Connect with his heart so that he falls in love andwants to be with you forever...

Protects you from men trying to take advantage of you…

Makes whatever man you’re with afraid to lose you…

Gives you power and choicein your dating life so that you can end up with a great guy who cherishes the ground you walk on…

The Forever Woman Formula has three parts to it…

[How Can I be the Forever Woman?] >>

1. Believe in Your Value

There’s something I call, “The Law of Belief Transference.”

What it states is that whoever has a stronger belief about something will transfer that belief to the other person.

So if you believe that you’re not valuable, a man will ultimately start believing it as well, even if he WANTS to believe you’re valuable.

Why? Because it comes across in your actions, your words, and your overall communication.

You’ll start acting needy, wondering when he’ll leave you, questioning whether he really loves you or not.

You can fake believing it for a while through tricks and manipulation. 

But eventually your truth will be communicated and he’ll start to lose interest, pull away, and disappear forever.

Instead, you need to believe that you’re worthy of a great manand a great relationship at your core.

There’s a very specific way to do this that I’ll talk about in just in a minute.

2. Position Yourself in Value

If you want a man to NEVER want to pull away again, there’s one very simple thing that you will want to do…

You need to make him feel scared of losing you.

How do you do this?

You need to put yourself in a position where he feels and knows in his core that he could lose youif he doesn’t play his cards right.

If you do this the right way, he’ll be pursuing YOU for the kind of relationship that YOU want to have with him.

3. Communicate Your Value

This is the most common thing women come to me to find out…

They want to know, “What should I say to him?”

And this is VERY important.

Not only do you want to say something to him that makes him FEEL like it was a mistake to pull away in the first place…

You also want tocommunicate the right thingsWHEN HE’S WITH YOU.

If a man has already pulled away, I have a 4 word text message that is designed to get his attention, make him realize he was wrong for pulling away, and get him talking to you again.

We’ll get to that in just a minute…

[I Want to Know More About the 4-word Text Message] >>

Ultimately, you want him to value you, appreciate you, and cherish every moment he’s around you.

You want him to fall in love with you, see you for the amazing woman you are, and feel like he wants to move mountains and travel to the ends of the earth to be with you.

[Learn More……]

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The #1 Biggest Mistake Women Make When a Man Pulls Away Read More »